Episode 44 | Benefits and Challenges of NIL for Students, Parents, and Administrators

So what are the pressure points that you see ? Athletic directors have to deal with today ? Not just name image and likeness , but what are the other pressure points and how do you guide them ?

Episode 44 | Benefits and Challenges of NIL for Students, Parents, and Administrators

How can they connect with you ? How can athletic directors tap into your resources ? Um You can visit my website and it's just Scott Jarvis consulting dot com .

Episode 44 | Benefits and Challenges of NIL for Students, Parents, and Administrators

Well , I think it's you , you gotta plan , you gotta be proactive , you gotta educate yourself on what this looks like , you know . So how can you as an athletic director to find those resources available for you to learn about this and then provide those resources to your student athletes and parents to make sure that they're making good decisions . And how can you educate your student athletes and your parents on how to make those good decisions ?

Episode 44 | Benefits and Challenges of NIL for Students, Parents, and Administrators

Well , it's right in line with what my company , the players nil does and , and we , you know , we're focused on a broad based educational platform for student athletes , their families and coaches around name image and likeness . Being athletic director is very complicated today . You have , you know , I , I can't imagine the pressures that they're under from parents , administrators , community members .

Episode 44 | Benefits and Challenges of NIL for Students, Parents, and Administrators

Um There's just a ton of things that are involved with that now and now with nil and , and students having the opportunity to , to generate some , some revenue off of their name image and likeness adds another layer , another complicated layer to what they're doing each and every day already . So how can I equip athletic directors to have the , the time to do that ? Number one , but then the tools to go out and help them fundraise , help them manage um their athletic department efficiently .